Become a Friend of the Organ

Post on behalf of FOTO, Friends of the Organ in Bream Bay.

FOTO logo

Welcome to FOTO – a new group fostering organ playing in Bream Bay.

FOTO aims to provide excellent music locally and secure an especially voiced organ for Bream Bay.

“Absolutely everyone is welcome to join FOTO” says FOTO Secretary Sally Haigh. “The organ has landed and we could not be more excited about forthcoming FOTO events – beginning with our series of “First Sunday Hymn Sessions” – the next one is at 2pm on Sunday 6 October. This completely free event is a great opportunity to enjoy singing favourite hymns and hear the organ. Why not come along and try it!”

Please click here to download a FOTO Joining Form. Alternatively email to request further information, or scroll down to read FOTO FAQs.

FOTO’s first task is to complete the purchase of the Johannes Opus 377 organ recently delivered and voiced for St. Peter’s in Waipu. Once the organ has been paid off it will be gifted to St. Peter’s.

FOTO logo


Answer: Invitations to events (including a soiree for FOTO members), an email newsletter, a membership card and the opportunity to be part of an exciting project. You will also receive free entry to some concerts.

Answer: Sunday 1 September, 2024 at 2 pm at St. Peter’s, Nova Scotia Drive, Waipu. Come along!

Answer: The organ has been purchased on a Hire Purchase arrangement. The total cost of the organ is $28,750 (including GST). At time of launch approximately a third of that total has been paid off thanks to donations. FOTO has over a year to pay off the balance. Donations are sought to help progress toward that goal.

Answer: Please click here to view and download a FOTO Joining Form.

The best way to join is to email with the information requested on the form (eg your name and contact details). You will be advised by return mail as to how to make your payment.

Anther way to join is to print the form, complete the requisite fields, and drop the form and fee off at the Anglican Op Shop (the little old white house near the monuments in Waipu).

Alternatively email to request further information about joining.

Fees – The suggested price for an individual membership for one year is $25. However there are a few offers eg A family of three or more OR three friends, can join for $60. (Furthermore, if someone who wants to join cannot afford the fee, they simply need to make that known to FOTO organisers and a discrete deal will be readily done.)

Answer: Donations are not tax deductible. This is because FOTO is not a registered charity – it is a club.

Answer: FOTO would love to help. Please email us at and together we’ll make it happen.

Answer: No – we welcome support from people living elsewhere. Indeed we would like to take this opportunity to thank Ralph Cullen, and his family, of North Shore based business Keyboard Music Systems for supplying the organ at an affordable price. We also acknowledge the community of organ players throughout New Zealand: thank you for your help, encouragement and commitment. Thanks to Roberta too for designing the FOTO logo which picks up on the blue of Bream Bay.

Answer: No.

Answer: Yes – it is independent from the Anglican Church but it is working in co-operation with the church, and seeks to benefit the church by gifting the organ to St. Peter’s once it has been paid off.

Answer: At St. Peter’s Church on Nova Scotia Drive in Waipu.

Answer: Absolutely. For example FOTO would be very pleased to include children among the membership.

Answer: No. There will always be door entry arrangements for visitors, casuals, perspective members and people who do not join clubs but would like to come to FOTO events!

The next event is at 2.00 pm on Sunday 6 October at St. Peter’s Church, Nova Scotia Drive, Waipu.