Become a Friend of the Organ
Post on behalf of FOTO, Friends of the Organ in Bream Bay. Please click here to download a FOTO Joining Form. Alternatively email to request further information, or scroll down to read
The Anglican Church at Marsden Point, Ruakākā and Waipu in Bream Bay, Northland, New Zealand.
We invite you to join us and share in the joy of Christ.
Te tohatoha i te koa o te Karaiti.
Click for info on church services, news & events, baptisms, blessings, weddings, funerals, support (eg Foodbank), facilities for hire, our Op Shop, and team, contact details, history, how to support us in our work and how to find us.
Post on behalf of FOTO, Friends of the Organ in Bream Bay. Please click here to download a FOTO Joining Form. Alternatively email to request further information, or scroll down to read
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The
Post on behalf of Bream Bay Friends of the Organ (FOTO) What’s the sheet music like? How does it differ from piano music? Why are there three manuals (keyboards)? How